Physical Product Brief

Discover a new way to organize everything there is to know about your brand's physical product.

You'll learn all the particularities of extracting important information and making it easily digestible so your team can internalize it.

If you own a digital service brand, make sure to also check our system for creating a Digital Service Brief.

Other great systems that work hand in hand with Physical Product Brief are Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)Survey Funnel, Deep Dive Customer Research, Narratives & Angles, Unlimited Copy Bank, Creating Physical Product Pages, How to Write Storytorials, and Facebook Ads Copy Library.
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About the System

Creating a systemized internal product brief will allow your team to have a starting point for everything they need to do related to the product.

Perfect Starting Point

This is pivotal for everyone to review before creating anything: copy, graphics, landing pages, and much more. It allows your team to fully understand all of it.

Great for Onboarding

Whenever your company hires a new employee, it can be a pain to try and make them understand the product. But it won't be anymore with this system.

Excellent Refresher

Even if you're a seasoned team member, you won't remember everything all the time. This gives you a place where you can quickly get all the essential info.

System Modules

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